Tagging a port
In this guide we’re going to change the status of a known port from untagged to tagged, which will enable connectivity for it.
This assumes some physical labor has already been completed, and that you have the following information on-hand:
1) A known port number within a given room. This labelling depends on which Server it’s tied to but is usually on the wall plate. We’re going to utilize a 217 a04 for this example. Here specifically: 217 goes to a server closet on the 2nd floor behind a glass pane and a locked door. 014 labelled plates go to the Server closet in the basement.
2) A physical connection between the Switch and the port indicated above. A cable needs to run from the port a04 to the available switch at any available port number.
SO with the physical all done, let’s jump into the digital aspects of this job.
We’re going to take note of the important numbers from before:
- The port number on the switch used above in this case, let’s say port 22 is available and move on with this.
2. The IP address of the Switch in question, available in IT GLUE, in this case, it’s, you’ll also need the administrator credentials for the switch.
With that lets get into a video of the execution at home, this assumes a configured VPN connecting to Bridge Boston and a configured Remote Desktop to get into the machine.
Seen here are my SONICWALL and Microsoft Remote Desktop applications that’ll jump us into DC1 at Bridge, once there we’ll open a command prompt and ssh into the Switch, once there we’ll type menu > Switch Configuration > VLAN Menu > VLAN PORT ASSIGNMENT > Tag port 22. Done!